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Widget support the following options that are additionally recognized over and above the configuration options in the InputWidget.

Base options

theme string: specify the theme of the widget. Available 2 themes:

  • default with only widget css classes
  • bs (twitter bootstrap) theme with additional BS ccs classes).

Default value is bs

max integer: maximum number of rows. If not set will default to unlimited

min integer: minimum number of rows. Set to 0 if you need the empty list in case you don't have any data

prepend boolean: add a new row to the beginning of the list, not to the end

attributeOptions array: client-side attribute options, e.g. enableAjaxValidation. You may use this property in case when you use widget without a model, since in this case widget is not able to detect client-side options automatically

addButtonPosition integer|array: the position(s) of add button. This can be MultipleInput::POS_HEADER, MultipleInput::POS_ROW, MultipleInput::POS_ROW_BEGIN or MultipleInput::POS_FOOTER.

addButtonOptions array: the HTML options for add button. Can contains class and label keys

removeButtonOptions array: the HTML options for remove button. Can contains class and label keys

cloneButton bool: whether need to enable clone buttons or not

cloneButtonOptions array: the HTML options for remove button. Can contains class and label keys

data array: array of values in case you use widget without model

models array: the list of models. Required in case you use TabularInput widget

allowEmptyList boolean: whether to allow the empty list. Deprecateed use the min option instead

columnClass string: the name of column class. You can specify your own class to extend base functionality. Defaults to unclead\multipleinput\MultipleInputColumn for MultipleInput and unclead\multipleinput\TabularColumn for TabularInput.

rendererClass string: the name of renderer class. You can specify your own class to extend base functionality. Defaults to unclead\multipleinput\renderers\TableRenderer.

columns array: the row columns configuration where you can set the properties which is described below

rowOptions array|\Closure: the HTML attributes for the table body rows. This can be either an array specifying the common HTML attributes for all body rows, or an anonymous function that returns an array of the HTML attributes. It should have the following signature:

function ($model, $index, $context)
  • $model: the current data model being rendered
  • $index: the zero-based index of the data model in the model array
  • $context: the widget object

sortable bool: whether need to enable sorting or not

modelClass string: a class of model which is used to render TabularInput. You must specify this property when a list of models is empty. If this property is not specified the widget will detect it based on a class of models

extraButtons string|\Closure: the HTML content that will be rendered after the buttons. It can be either string or an anonymous function that returns a string which will be treated as HTML content. It should have the following signature:

function ($model, $index, $context)
  • $model: the current data model being rendered
  • $index: the zero-based index of the data model in the model array
  • $context: the MultipleInput widget object

layoutConfig array: CSS grid classes for horizontal layout (only supported for ListRenderer class). This must be an array with these keys:

  • 'offsetClass': the offset grid class to append to the wrapper if no label is rendered
  • 'labelClass': the label grid class
  • 'wrapperClass': the wrapper grid class
  • 'errorClass': the error grid class

showGeneralError bool: whether need to show error message for main attribute, when you don't want to validate particular input and want to validate a filed in general.

Column options

name string: input name. Required options

type string: type of the input. If not set will default to textInput. Read more about the types described below

title string: the column title

value Closure: you can set it to an anonymous function with the following signature:

function($data) {}

defaultValue string: default value of input

items array|Closure: the items for input with type dropDownList, listBox, checkboxList, radioList or anonymous function which return array of items and has the following signature:

function($data) {}

options array|Closure: the HTML attributes for the input, you can set it as array or an anonymous function with the following signature:

function($data) {}

headerOptions array: the HTML attributes for the header cell

enableError boolean: whether to render inline error for the input. Default to false

errorOptions array: the HTMl attributes for the error tag

nameSuffix string: the unique prefix for attribute's name to avoid id duplication e.g. in case of using several copies of the widget on a page and one column is a Select2 widget

tabindex integer: use it to customize a form element tabindex

attributeOptions array: client-side options of the attribute, e.g. enableAjaxValidation. You can use this property for custom configuration of the column (attribute). By default, the column will use options which are defined on widget level.

_Supported versions >= 2.1.0

columnOptions array|\Closure: the HTML attributes for the indivdual table body column. This can be either an array specifying the common HTML attributes for indivdual body column, or an anonymous function that returns an array of the HTML attributes.

It should have the following signature:

function ($model, $index, $context)
  • $model: the current data model being rendered
  • $index: the zero-based index of the data model in the model array
  • $context: the widget object

Supported versions >= 2.18.0

inputTemplate string: the template of input for customize view. Default is {input}.


<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fas fa-mobile-alt"></i></span>{input}</div>

Input types

Each column in a row can has their own type. Widget supports:

  • all yii2 html input types:
  • textInput
  • dropDownList
  • radioList
  • textarea
  • For more detail look at Html helper class
  • input widget (widget that extends from InputWidget class). For example, yii\widgets\MaskedInput
  • static to output a static HTML content

For using widget as column input you may use the following code:

echo $form->field($model, 'phones')->widget(MultipleInput::className(), [
    'columns' => [
            'name'  => 'phones',
            'title' => $model->getAttributeLabel('phones'),
            'type' => \yii\widgets\MaskedInput::className(),
            'options' => [
                'class' => 'input-phone',
                'mask' => '999-999-99-99',